Category On Wellness

Is organic worth it?

Organic symbol

A Stanford study on organic produce, meat, and dairy was released titled, No Benefit Was Noted for Buying Organic vs. Conventional Food.  However, when delving into the study’s findings there was more to the studies than the headline revealed.      Most people…

Managing Holiday Stress

Holiday stress may come silently bundled with over-stimulation, financial pressure, and unfulfilled expectations, along with the many occasions for fun and happiness.  Be realistic, you cannot please everyone. So, don’t try to buy or make gifts for everyone you know.…

Alignment Matters

back massage

Spine In Line/Feel Fine was a joke line in chiropractic school.  But there is truth in the comment; it is the basic premise of chiropractic. Just as your car has an ideal alignment, so does your body.  The central nervous…

Healthy Gifts for any occasion from Dr. Mary

Special offers at Kintner Chiropractic

These are the gifts of health and well being I am pleased to offer my patients and their families. Massage reg $65/hr Nutritional Assessment and Counseling reg $65 High quality supplements Lumbar support pillows reg $27 in pillow-style or mesh-backed Cervical pillows…

Maintaining a Healthy Liver

Healthy Liver

Proper liver health is critical to overall body health and lifestyle plays a major role. Your liver is one of the body’s largest organs, located in the right upper quadrant of your abdomen, just under your ribs. It has four…

Be Injury Free this Spring!

Take care of yourself by putting safety first and preventing injuries.

By using some simple steps and common sense procedures, you can more easily avoid common injuries and problems like fractures, sprains, sunburn and blisters. Working on your home this spring? Few activities are more satisfying. However, an injury can turn…